📢 Fix My Speakers

Eject 💦 water from your phone's speakers after getting it wet.

Click or tap the button above to activate blower to eject water

How it works?

When you click on the button, Fix-My-Speakers.com web app plays a series of tones to eject water from your phone speaker and clean any water left in the smartphone speakers, be it Android or iPhone.

Remove water from phone speakers

How to eject water from your phone's speakers after getting it wet?

If your phone's speakers have gotten wet, here are some steps you can take to eject water and possibly prevent damage:

Always try to keep your phone away from water, and consider investing in a waterproof case if you often find yourself in wet environments.

What not to do for cleaning a water damaged phone?

When your phone gets water-damaged, taking swift and appropriate action can mean the difference between rescuing it or rendering it unusable. However, there are also several common mistakes that can further damage the phone. Here are some "don'ts" to keep in mind when dealing with a water-damaged phone:

Try Fix My Speakers web app to eject water from your speak after getting it wet.

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Best Tips for Removing Water Out Of iPhone or Android Phone

If your iPhone or Android phone gets wet, acting quickly and following the right steps can help prevent lasting damage. Here are some of the best tips to help you remove water from your device:

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Will my phone speakers work again after getting wet?

Most of the time, yes. However, it depends on the extent of the water exposure and how long the water remained inside. It's crucial to dry your phone as soon as possible to prevent long-term damage.

2. What happens if a phone falls in water? Will it get damaged?

When a phone falls into water, it can experience immediate electronic short circuits. Components, including the speakers, microphone, screen, battery, and camera, can be damaged. While some modern phones are water-resistant, they are not entirely immune to water damage. Swift action, such as turning off the phone and drying it, can sometimes prevent lasting damage, but even water-resistant phones can suffer long-term issues from prolonged water exposure. If submerged, especially in corrosive liquids like seawater, the risk of damage is higher. It's advisable to consult a professional if there's potential water damage.

3. How can I dry out my phone speakers?

One common method is to place the phone in a bag of rice or with silica gel packets to absorb the moisture. Playing sounds at specific frequencies can also help eject water from the speakers, try Fix-My-Speakers.com. Avoid using heat or hairdryers as this can cause further damage.

4. How long should I wait before turning on my phone after it gets wet?

It's recommended to wait at least 48 hours after drying techniques have been applied. The longer you wait, the better the chances of the internal components drying out completely.

5. How to check if your Android or iPhone has been water damaged?

To check if your Android or iPhone has been water-damaged:

  • Liquid Contact Indicator (LCI): Both iPhones and many Android phones have an LCI, usually located in the SIM card slot. If exposed to water, it changes color (commonly from white to red or pink).
  • Physical Inspection: Look for moisture or condensation under the screen, in ports, or around the camera lens.
  • Malfunctioning Hardware: Issues with speakers, microphones, or unresponsive buttons can be indicative of water damage.
  • Unexpected Behavior: If your phone restarts randomly, has erratic touch screen behavior, or experiences battery drain, it might be due to water damage.
If you suspect water damage, it's best to consult a professional or service center.

6. Should I charge my phone after it's been wet?

Avoid charging your phone until you're certain it's dry inside and out. Charging a wet phone can lead to short circuits and additional damage.

7. Can saltwater damage be more severe than freshwater?

Yes, saltwater is corrosive and can cause more damage than freshwater. If your phone gets wet with saltwater, rinse it with freshwater (only if your phone is water-resistant) before starting the drying process.

8. Will the warranty cover water damage to my phone speakers?

Most manufacturers' warranties do not cover water damage unless you have specific insurance or coverage that includes water damage. Always check your phone's warranty details.

9. Is there a way to tell if the internal components are damaged by water?

Some phones have a liquid contact indicator (LCI) that changes color if it comes in contact with water. However, this doesn't necessarily indicate damage, only exposure. The best way to check for damage is by observing the phone's performance.

10. Can I use compressed air to blow out the water?

While compressed air can help in ejecting water, be cautious. Blowing air directly might push the water further into the phone. Hold the can at an angle and use short bursts.

11. Will my phone's sound quality be permanently affected?

If the phone is dried properly and promptly, the sound quality should return to normal. However, if there's residue or damage to the speaker components, you might experience some permanent audio issues.

12. Are all phones equally susceptible to speaker water damage?

No. Some phones have IP ratings indicating their water and dust resistance. Phones with higher IP ratings are designed to withstand water exposure better than those without.